The main purpose of The AL2009man Website was to be an home of "Verified Accounts", but it has evolved to be an a bit of a hub for Social Media Links, Projects and Blog Post...but after 2 years of inactivity: it has become clear to me that it isn't worth maintaining it.
After more than an decade and two website engine switches: I will be making an announcement that on February 8th, 2024; The AL2009man Website will be shutting down. The AL2009man Website will be moving over to an new, simplified third party website going forward.
The AL2009man Website will be moving to Linktree for all Social Media Website redirects
Blog Post and Projects page will be discontinued and they might migrate to an future website.
The Wix-era AL2009man Website will remained kept up, but will no longer be active. This also includes older Blog Posts (even if my stances/opinion has changed since then)
Moving Season
For sometime: I've been seeing Social Media Personalities using an dedicated redirect page as an hub. As more and more social media (and corporations) started to use this website. I decided to look into it.
That website is called Linktree.
While it lacked the customization or personalities as Weebly and Wix, it serve the purpose as an "Verified Accounts" hub quite nicely. Not to mention: it allow me to bring back Donation page! (yes: the tips has returned)
Going forward: all future website redirects will be switched to Linktree, and The AL2009man Website's homepage will be redirected to dedicated Webpage...which will let you redirect you to the webpage.
Right Now: the new Home for The AL2009man Website is still an work in progress as I'm still adding some stuffs.
What does this mean for this [Old] Website?
Well, for archival purposes (as it's still being redirected to The AL2009man Website): this entire website will be kept active, but it will no longer be maintained.
There will be some pages will be receiving an link replacements, but I will not guarantee it.
What about Projects/Portfolio pages?
As of this writing: I don't know. Likely chance it'll be moved to an different website.
What about Blog Posts?
As of this writing: I also don't know. But as I've been doing far more "blog posts" elsewhere (like Reddit): i've thinking of moving future blog posts on an different website. Potentially Medium? I don't know.
but I can confirmed that all previously written blog posts for the old Website will be kept up for archival purposes...even if my opinion/stances has been changed since then.
What does this mean for AL2009man?
Well, I also don't know, but it really depends on what I'm doing at the moment, just keep an eye out if I got something planned.
Thank You for visiting The AL2009man Website for decades, and see you in Linktree!