I should've spend more time with my own website...
I haven't been informing everyone about Website Updates and Personal stuffs on this blog due to my priorities, I will apologize for not informing you earlier.
while this website has been inactive from my Social Feed, I've been slowly updating my websites for some times, I have already made a list of notable changes since the last website update notes (back in October 2017).
but, I made some important updates that must be written in this "Website Update" blog!
Blog Revamped:
After migration all the Blog Posts to the new platform, I have successfully switched to the new Wix Blog.
While the usual process of writing a blog will remain the same...but with some essential additions that came with Wix Blog. right now the system is still lacking some important features, such as a a ability to leave a comment without signing up or adjusting text size, but those will come at a later date.
However, there is some things that was lost in translation:
New Wix Blog lacking a import system:
2 paragraphs ago, I mentioned that I migration all the Blog Posts to New Wix Blog. as of this writting, the New Wix Blog lacks a ability to import Blogs from the Older system. this results me spending 2-3 hours manually copy-pasting and fixing blogs to support this new format.
Disqus Comments has been replaced with Wix Blog's built-in Login/Signup.
Due to new Wix Blog, Disqus Comments has been replace with Wix Blog's own system. while you can signup/login (I assume it uses Wix Account?)
normally, you can use your Google or Facebook account to leave a comment down below. right now, there is no way to leave a comment without logging in and lack of more popular Social Sign-ups (such as Twitter & Reddit). for now, I suggest using your Google or Facebook to leave a comment.
the Blog Page will be discontinued
Due to the new Wix Blog implementation, the older system will be discontinued meaning newer posted starting from now will be posted here. but you can still visit the Old Blog and see older Post, It'll will be archived for some time, but it will be removed in the near future.
New Page: Livestream [Desktop]
since February 2018, I started live streaming for some time, while nobody watched the stream, it is merely a hobby and I'm doing it for fun.
using Twitch Everything Embed, it is now possible to experience the full fat Twitch experience on The AL2009man Website, instead of redirecting you to a Twitch page. thus, a new page was created.
you can watch livestreams of me or various Hosted channels, chat with your LULs, following/subscribing me or various streamers, without going to Twitch website to do that.
You can check the page out via the Homepage or click this [TEXT]*
*Due to limitations with Wix Mobile page, the Page will instead display a message that it isn't compatible with mobile devices, instead, you will have to touch a button to redirect you to Twitch page.
GDPR Compliant:
Remember that time where you receive several emails of "We updated our Privacy Polices"?, you can thank GDPR for that.
What is GDPR? here's a copy-paste: "The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims to protect the fundamental right to privacy and the protection of personal data of European Union (EU) citizens."
due to that, every website will have to comply to GDPR Regulations before May 25th, 2018. shortly before the rollout, The AL2009man Website has since added a basic Cookie Alert for First Time visitors to the website. while Wix (the website built used for this website) and third party apps handles most of the usual privacy/data stuff, The AL2009man Website is built as a Personal Website. for that, I will ensure you that we don't use your Data or naughty stuffs (probably porn?) since I don't know how to do that.
but do expect some improvements to the Cookie Alert system in the long-term
Website Update Notes:
*All updates after October 2017, up to August 4th, 2018
"Home" page:
Added "GOG.com" Profile link.
Added "The AL2009man Theater" YouTube channel link.
Removed Vidme link, as the site has been discontinued.
Removed Net Neutrality banner. due to constant hassle with image changes alongside Wix limitations.
"LBP3 - Custom Stickers Collection" & "Dynamic Movie Camera" Page:
Anchor Colors has been adjusted.
Replaced LittleBigNetwork links to Dreamsverse links, due to LBN Site Admins switching to Dreamsverse.
Sackinima logo has been updated
[Custom Stickers Collection Webpage] Wix Video layout has changed.
"Blog (Legacy)" Page:
To Accommodate Wix Blog System, the Old "Blogs" has been renamed to "Blog (Legacy)".
Disqus Comments has been removed.
Blog (Legacy) is planned to be removed in the near future.
[MOBILE] Header Scroll Freeze has been added.
Back to Top has a new skin.
Changed Site Title to "AL2009man", the SEO will still use the "The AL2009man Website" title.
"Blogs" page title has been renamed to "Blog"
Known Bugs:
[Desktop] Sidebar Menu (when you click or Touch the Hamburger Button) doesn't works while the site is loads.
"Blog (Legacy)" Page:
The Design of the page will unknowly resets every time I rollout any updates to the website.