This MIGHT be the last major update of this website for 2017, and boy, we can finish this up with a bang.
Sorry for being late on posting this, Was having various problems with my Laptop (software-wise), Recording, Rewriting a Article again and uploading GIFs. anyway, For this Website Update, this focus on the Third Redesigns for the Homepage/Menu Navigation & Quality of Life changes. Personally, this Website Update will begin "The AL2009man Website 3.0" phase.
EDIT - October 22th, 2017:
since this Article was posted, there's been some stealth changes to some aspect of the website. such as fixing some of the link, updating one of the video, even this Article receive a couple of revisions including better GIFs. that's just some small changes.
now, let's continue with the rest of the article.
Homepage Redesign for the Third time:
This is the third time I did a redesign on the Homepage, the reason why I decided to do this is due to various discussion about Whitespace. Instead of looking at a waste of space on the left side, I decided to take advantage of Whitespace with adding more information/content.
Thus, results Redesigning the Homepage just to eliminate some of my problems. unlike the previous layout, the new Homepage Layout focus on more on Content and Personality.
Each Strips has its buttons, colors and texts, all of those elements represent one of the many account links. alongside Subpages (like "Blog Post Categories" ticker), one of the strips will has more content, such as Playlist linked via Spotify, reviewing my Tweets, checking my Twitch Livestreams & queuing my "Greatest Hit" collection of Levels I'd created in LittleBigPlanet series across LBP2 to LBP3.
this also means speeding up the process of making changes, instead of reorganizing the whole homepage, I can simply add or change the strips in a short time. so, expect more Account Strips (alongside changing some of the existing Account strips) to be added in the near future.
oh, Here's what the new Homepage looks like in action:

Menu Redesign, for the Third time:
UPDATE - November 4th, 2017: Due to slow load time, I decided to revert back to Regular Mobile Menu. Desktop Menu won't be affected.
This is the third time I'd redesigning a Menu. For the past iterations of Menus, I've been trying to find an way to unified Both Desktop/Mobile devices for an while, there was a reason why the Second Menu Navi was added using "Impressive Side Menu" plugin, sadly, there was problems that came with it, such as slow load time, doesn't work well with Touch Devices and conflicting with Extensions (such as Privacy Badger). also finding this infuriating, Impressive Side Menu isn't supported on Mobile Devices.. I was pretty bummed over this, I might not well fix this whole thing forever.
It wasn't until I checked some of the Website Templates from Wix. apparently, Lightboxs can be used as a Side Menu with major customization along with it, I went ahead and experiment it. after tinkering around with the Lightbox, I was able to got it working. after customizing the Side Menu with freedom (aside of Lightbox Limitations), I'm satisfied with the Third Menu Redesign.
Here's what it looks like:
Website Update Notes:
"Home" page:
YouTube logo has been replaced to accommodate with Redesigned YT Logo.
Removed Raptr and YouTube Gaming links.
Almost every logo has been updated.
"Blogs" Page:
Categories has been reorganized, Every Articles should have a more appropriated Category that fits the topic. (such as "Website Update")
Adjusted both Blog & Single Post layout.
Changed "Archive" Layout.
Category has been added.
Google AMP has been temporary disabled due to HTML & certain Blog Functionality limitations.
[DESKTOP] Added "Back To Top" button.
"Project" Page:
[DESKTOP] Strip sizes has been decreased
"Download/Install" Page:
To reflect Android 8.0 Oreo's release, the Wallpaper has been changed.
Updated "Add to Homescreen" Video. This time, its was recording via Android Studio with Xbox Game Bar. expect Increased Resolution, Framerate & sounds by now.
"LBP3 - Custom Stickers Collection" Page:
[DESKTOP] Comparison Videos now has a different layout.
Rewritten one of the Paragraphs.
Vidme logo has been replaced, Vidme Icon remains intact.
Webapp Functionalities:
iOS Icons has been fixed
Android/Desktop Icon has been revised, the outline should be larger with a stronger Grey color.
AL2009man Logo has been revised, leftover color pixels is gone
Header Size has been decreased even more.
All Pages should have a "Page Title" with their respected Icons.
Custom Stickers Collection and Dynamic Movie Camera Page Titles has been reverted back to its full title.
The AL2009man Website 1.0 - Legacy:
the Weebly Homepage has been redesign, now detailing more information about the status of "Legacy" Websites.
All Legacy Websites (Weebly and Blogger) has been updated.
Blogger Archives has been added to both Legacy Websites.
Known Bugs:
Sidebar Menu:
currently, Mobile users will experience Slow Load Time when enter the Sidebar Menu (when you touch the Hamburger Button), the only workaround is to make sure everything is loaded up properly.
Sometimes, it might redirect to Wix Website while closing the Side Bar outside of the Menu.