This is an small update for The AL2009man Website, focusing on Improving the Web App function for Mobile users along with new video channels!
Website Patch Note:
For this update, I've been focusing on improving the Website's WebApp implementation. there isn't any major changes for this Patch.
- Improved Web App*
- (Experimental) Added Web App Manifest
- Cleaned the majority of meta-tags. - Updated Web App Icon; now includes various sizes.
*Please Note that it's been tested on Majority of Mobile Browsers on Android. currently, only Chrome 53 for Android works perfectly fine, I'm not sure about Chrome, Firefox OS, iOS Safari, Windows Phone/Internet Explorer and Opera Coast, let me know if those OS/Devices works fine with Stanalone/Fullscreen and Color browser elements. (and yes, I don't own those devices)
- Added Vidme link, thus replacing Tumblr link, which I forgot to do it.
Dailymotion & Vidme

It took me one month to reupload almost every video in Dailymotion and 3 days for Vidme. I finally completed.
as explained from my last post, alot of things has changed since then, I was able to get contact from Vidme if its possible to extend beyond the 30 minute requirement, instead. (because I linked my YouTube account), they allowed me to become VIP. I was grateful for them. :)
a few days later, I decided to test out Vidme's Upload Button, it was actually simple and easier to upload, especially if you're reuploading your YouTube vids over to Vidme.
however, in Dailymotion's size, the whole thing is still the same, however, Every Livestream recap and certain videos won't make it to Dailymotion due to file not supported.
keep in mind that I'm still uploading videos to YouTube alongside Dailymotion and Vidme, this won't changed anything. (oh, Videos are going to be uploaded FIRST on YouTube, then quickly uploads over to Dailymotion and Vidme)
Final Note:
Yep, that's it for this Website Update. Nothing else to add, really.