Another Year, another shitty year for YouTube, Time for me to start writing a disorganized mess of a Blog Post!
I'd like to start about Kids watching YouTubers
After watching appabend's video about "Children Pretending as Adults". I went ahead and started to read an Opinion Article by Nadia Oxford called, "A Plea to YouTubers and Streamers: Remember Who You Are" (ARCHIVE.IS) about telling Popular e-celebs (that's might include me) think about your audience, and by audience, she (i'm sure its a female, based on name) wants E-celebs to think of audience's major demographic: Children.
I'm going to be frank, my YouTube, Vidme and Dailymotion channels doesn't have a specific demographic focus. My Channels is mostly made for the average age-joes. but what I really don't like it when people assume an YouTubers' channel is specifically focus on Children, despite their mature content. Please don't let your children to use the Internet. Trust me. It's like buying Grand Theft Auto, a Video Game Franchise that is focus on an Mature Audience, to your children.
I've seen people always talk about Channels like PewDiePie always targets on a Children demographic, to a point where certain Media outlets points out that every single audience members are less than 12 year olds, which PewDiePIe has pretty much replied to this.
UPDATE: August 17th, 2017 - Sadly, that Tweet has been deleted and no archived or screenshots. I apologize for this :(
Here's my stats for my YouTube Channel's lifetime demographic. DISCLAIMER: It's isn't 100% Accurate.

meanwhile, there's hundred of Kid-Friendly channels that isn't Kid-Friendly at all. Thankfully, The Mainstream Media (as much how shit they have become in the last few years) has finally caught up with it, instead of attacking random YouTubers for no reason but for Clicks and gigs.
now, speaking of those types,
Let's talk about Restricted Mode
It's an Feature that has been around for 6 years, it's primary made for delisting Inappropriate content on YouTube. to be fair, the filter isn't 100% accurate but it does the jobs done.
after the events of the YouTube massive unsub glitch a few months back, It's been revealed that YouTube/Google has increased the Strength of algorithm of Restricted Mode to a point that 70% (or more) of the Videos available in YouTube is done.
Since then, YouTubers found out that their channels can be affected in the following:
most of the Videos can disappear.
some of the videos might not appear, despite being "YouTube-friendly"
YT Restricted Mode makes your channel as if it never uploaded any video ever. instead of displaying a Message.
It's all done in preparation to a leaked, unfinished and potentially upcoming feature that will change the entire shape of YouTube with "Age Ratings", In theory, it sounds like a great idea that might restrict certain videos by a specific age demographic, It can be PG, PG-13, R or Unrated. but since this is YouTube, It's automatic and it'll effecting every single YouTuber right now.
Since I suck at typing a story, I'll get DJ KILLLLAAAA KEEEEEMMMSTTTUUUDDD explain
Let's talk about Fanbases
I probably going to have a tough time writing this segment. I probably going do a lot of revisit edits on this.
I've seen stuffs like the whole "Death to all Jews, subscribe to KEEMSTAR" with the PewDiePie shit, which I defended since I actually watched the video to understand the joke, but with JonTron, I did not defend him on this case due to his bad choice of words. If I was a friend of JonTron, I would ask him "EH BOI, YOU FUCKED UP SON, FIX YOUR SHIT!" and we be fine with it, but If I happen to be a pure e-celeb (or YouTuber). the whole thing might turn into a Life-Or-Death situation if I do that.
I'd like to clarified to everyone that I don't have a fanbase, despite my history with PlayStation Home.if I happen to have one, I might have to deal with this "influential" stuffs. but sometimes, its the best to have a smaller and stable fanbase than a big and uncontrollable fanbase.
but I'm going off-topic for a bit, let's go back to the topic: Since the whole JonTron vs Destiny debate, some people really don't want Ethan and Hila of H3H3Production to defend JonTron due to his views, Seeing people arguing over that really
worries me in the future.
I think Daniel Hardcastle of NerdCube summarized this very well.

This whole thing might be the reason why LeafyIsHere backstab Keemstar during the time where the KEEM has been getting a lot of flack over everything, from past to present. just to avoid Dividing your fanbase and making a quick buck out of it.
once again, If I was a friend to JonTron and an Well-Known YouTuber, Should I alienate my audience to backup for a friend or backstab a friend to avoid Dividing your fanbase.
either way, its a lose-lose situation. Just ask Playtonic.