Wow, I'm don't feel like creating blog posts, but let's review 2019, shall we?
I've made 14 videos in 2019. 7 Quick Funny Moments video, while 8 are regular videos, There were some things that are planned in 2019, but neither delayed, on hold or even cancelled.
I also made changes to the way how I reorganized my video on my main YouTube channel, you will see a set of playlists for categories, I plan to start reorganize the rest in 2020.
This year, I was more experimental with making video content making, starting with Voice Acting and Ending with a Livestream Highlight.
Voice Acting and Moderation
There's this infamous tweet from a YouTuber called Hbomberguy who tweeted a tweet about Moderation and how it is a delusion and how people invent themselves. So, everyone made fun of that tweet and Bombguy deleted it.
that tweet caught a eye from ChrisRayGun and he decided to give his response by reading the tweet with a voice he could think of. This is the tweet that I saw in my Timeline. My reaction was "This is soo bad that I need to make fun of him!"
So i spend roughly 2 weeks to make that video. And I have so much fun making that video, and I continue to re-watch it twice because it's soo funny to me.
You can watch the video
Now, let's move on to,
Music Remixes
I was listening to two particular musics in mind: Battle with Uzu by Calum Bowen & Mind Conductor by YURIKA. the biggest reason why I made two Music Remix is because I was heavily inspired by Dynamic Musics in Video Games & MonoChromiumLive’s Metal Gear Rising OST Remixes. I really liked certain beats of the song is played based on the Situation of the game and Player Input. and I wanted to remix songs to emulate that feel.
Originally, I was about to use FMOD to make a remix, but decided to go with VEGAS 16 because it easier for me to edit music. For Battle with Uzu, it was just me, scrolling though the soundtrack of YIIK: A Postmodern RPG and feeling like the soundtrack was misused. surprisingly, my remix sounds better than the original.
For Mind Conductor, the inspiration is from Triple-Q's playlist, called "Music that sounds like it came from a modern Sonic game".
Because of that, i learn a lot on how to properly utilize those songs and those new skills has been translated into my future work, I plan to make at least 2 more-
scratch that, I already created 1 Dynamic Music Remix and it's coming out very, very early 2020.
And finally,
Gyroscopic Controls and Video Essays.
During my livestream of Undefeated, I decided to fiddle with Steam's Controller Configuration because I was having trouble trying to beat the boss, I enable Gyroscopic Sensors on my Dualshock 4 and I find it easier to play the whole game that way.
A month later, while I was working on a script for a Video Review for a video (which was later turned into a Livestream Highlight, more on that later), I decided to play Sunset Overdrive on PC/Steam. I first started the game with a Controller, and I didn't have a good time with it, I then decided to switch to Keyboard/Mouse and it ultimately changed my entire perspective on Sunset.
Hours later, I have a dumb idea, I decided to "fix" the Controller with Keyboard/Mouse Emulation and have Gyro Sensors to emulate Mouse Input as a Camera. This took me 4 hours to get this configuration working and It's soo much better than the Default Control Scheme...and also realizing Gyro Control's potential.
Although, I have some prior experience with Gyroscopic Functions via Nintendo Wii & PlayStation Vita, I decided to do my research on Gyro Controls...and put my Video Review on Hold in favor of Gyro Controls video, heavily inspired by Nerrel's Motion Controls video and several Video Essays and started researching on Motion Controls.
During my research, I was making more configurations for other games to prepare for the video, and looking for a Controller Overlay for recording purpose.
While I was looking for one, I found a YouTube Channel called Gyro Gaming (commonly known as Jibb Smart) which shows the overlay in action. I decided to get in contact with Jibb Smart in a tweet about the Overlay. sadly, the Overlay isn't ready for the public. But he asked me on what I have in mind and didn't mind for a DM for a more private conversation. So we did.
Ultimately, I decided to not use a Overlay since there isn't a good one availble, which makes it a bit difficult to prove someone that I'm using Tilt Controls. but, Jibb Smart's suggestion did made it to the Video, although, plays a minor role.
After collecting all the information I have available, I entered full production of the video, and it took me a entire month making this video:
And this is my first Video Essay.
Unlike many Video Essays, which tends to drag on for a bit too long and doesn't get to the point, I avoid that by making a decent script and knowing my vision for that video.
And I just realized that I only say "In My Opinion™" once in the video. A Opinion that divides Video Essays.
After making that video essay, I watch two different videos, from MauLer and The Closer Look about Video Essay, and going back to my Video Essay, despite the rough edges & voices (and my voice), I'm honestly glad I avoided most of essay cliches.
in Filler Note; I created a Twitter Thread as a full response to a tweet by Notch (yes, that notch) about "Never Play First Person Shooters on Consoles" with "Hey, Gyro Aiming is a better method than Joysticks", and managed to get both Notch and George Broussard into the conversation, also, Notch really liked the video.
This Video Essay FINALLY has a payoff.
Right now, I'm currently thinking about making a follow-up video that will focus around Official Implementation vs Steam Input and address some of the criticism of the video. Otherwise, don't expect too much from
YIIK and Livestream Highlight
So, I livestreamed YIIK: A Postmodern RPG, and I consider it my "Worst Game of 2019" due to ...Confusing, Disconnected, Over sighting and Poorly Throughout Story and Gameplay with a subpar art style. also, Plagiarism.
And I decided to livestream the whole game.
and I did not enjoy it.
This game was soo bad that I decided to make a entire video review and release it on New Year's Eve 2019. I've spend at least a month and a half writing the script.
I originally wanted to make it in style of Raycevick, but I realized how complicated the whole video is going to be, thus, losing motivation. While I was writing the script, I was looking at Gyro Controls and I became very passionate with Gyro Controls and I wanted to make a video about it. I put the script on hold in favor of Gyro Controls video.
After finishing the video, I learn a couple of things about Video Essays, but was burnout from the making of Gyro Control vid. I was figuring out what to do with the YIIK Video, I figured I should rewrite the script to be more linear, so it can be easier for me to make...
But I was getting closer to the deadline and I needed to finish the video in time for New Year's Eve...so I look for different option took me a week to figure out the direction I wanna take.
I took a look at my precious livestreams and decided to scrapped the entire Video Review in favor of Livestream Highlight.
the main reason why I took that approach is that I already said plenty of things about the game in a livestream, so I took 30 hour livestream and compress it to 7 hours and release it in Chapters on a weekly basis. (also, heavily inspired by Vinesauce.)
but then I decided to delete all of the currently available chapters and re-release it as a FULL Livestream Highlight...all because I was almost done editing the last 2 chapters and was like "You know what, change of plans, I'm gonna release it as a full video".
And now, the "Compromised YIIK Video Review" is finally released on my main YouTube channel (sorry Dailymotion viewer, blame their restrictions) and you can watch it right now!
While the Video is finished, my actual review isn't. I have no plans to make a actual YIIK Video Review at this time, but I'm thinking about finishing the review script and release it on this website instead, so that y'all can read my opinion about the game.
also, that's one hell of a ending for my Video Making Career in 2010s.
Long story, I was away from doing Livestreams ever since I moved to USA, I couldn't do any form of livestreaming for the time being.
During that time, I saw a tweet from D. C. Douglas and I thought to myself, "Instead of that Vic Mignata (I can't pronounce his name right) drama, how about I challenge you to play Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby". I tweeted it and I believe he gave a like, so I interpret that as a challenge.
A few months later and a upgraded Internet Speen, I realized that I have to do the challenge myself.
and I failed.
I started 101 livestreams, finished 6-8 livestream walkthoughs (and you can watch them on The AL2009man Theater VOD Channel) and I finally launched a Streamlabs donation page so that you can support me and my livestreams, despite earning Zero Dollars throughout 2019.
I also open a Mixer channel under the name "AL2009manTheater" so that you can watch me on Mixer as well.
and lastly, As a Content Creator for over a decade, from a Potato Camera to OBS Studios, I finally advanced to Capture Card status.

Not only this'll benefit future livestreams going forward, this will help me record footages directly from the game console at the highest quality, instead of relying on Console's Sharing Features. I believe y'all going to see those improvements next year.
Going ahead in 2020?
Not much, really. I set my expected plans for 2019 too high, and I'm slowing down my content creating skills, livestreaming and my expectations for a bit, as I'm probably going to be busy with real life stuffs. But here 4 major plans that I wanna commit on.
a few new mainline videos are planned for 2020
As mentioned earlier, I'm planning to make at least minimum of 4 new videos around early 2020, keep a eye out when it happens
Livestream Updates
Due to real-life stuffs, I will be slowing down my livestreams for some time, once I come back into livestreaming, I will introduce a new schedule when necessary.
DS4 Gyro-Optimized Config Webpage
Alongside the release of my Gyro Controls video, DS4 Gyro-Optimized Config was created to take advantage of Dualshock 4's Gyroscopic Functions via Steam Input. and I want to replace the current document page in favor of a Webpage if possible.
I will start working on the webpage on The AL2009man Website in Early 2020.
Start Working on a Bigger Mainline Project
for 2020 and beyond, there's a project that has been in my mind palace as of late and I want to start working on that this years, it's something that I wanted to make for a while.
However, don't expect that plan to become a reality, for now.
That's it for now, I see you guys again in the next 2020 - 2021 Blog Post!