This is one of those days where you lose faith in Humanity.
before we begin: I'd like to make a disclaimer:
Now, let's get this out of the way.
Let's talk about Unite the Right rally 2017:
In the 2nd Weekend of August 2017, a group of Far-right politics appeared in during the protest oppose the removal of the Robert Edward Lee Sculpture in the city called Charlottesville, Virginia, United States.
now, try to imagine a Historic recurrence of Protests but combine it with white supremacists, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, and militias. Things can get extremely ugly.
I recently woke up in Saturday 12th, 2017 and once I open my laptop, login to Twitter and I see this:
and I was surprised to see People holding Tiki Torches, making the Nazi Salute, fights and of course screams of "WHITE LIFES MATTER".
after researching on what's going on, this is my opinion on how I feel about this whole thing:
later this evening, this happens:
and of course, it begins my "already losing faith in Humanity", and well, you know the rest.
Let's talk about US President Trump's Response:
Trump, I love you as a Meme, but gawd, you suck at Presidency.
Let's talk about "PunchANazi"
I think this is where most of the article is gonna be the focus on this. There's going to be a couple of things I'm going to get wrong or uninformed or rather, rushed since I'm tired of this shit.
All of those drawing was done by Dana Terrace [Directed on Ducktales reboot, miles better than The Powerpuff Girls reboot], I would let that slide since she did this for Charity, but if it wasn't the fact that Dana has to block me on Twitter just because I was having a Regular Conversation on Twitter. then I'd disappointed.
It's seem that having a Fictional Character punching a Nazi Soildier or a Neo-Nazi lookin- civilian is A KEWL AND HIP way to do. KnowYourMeme, start making articles about it. speaking of that, I'm disappointed that no-one haven't created a fanart of Grunkle Stan (of Gravity Falls) and B.J. Blazkowicz joining forces to punch Nazies, now that would be badass!
but let's get back on-topic in a serious note:
In the past: The Nazis were consider one of the most hated groups in the world and we love to beat the shit out of them because of their deems.
now-a-days: There's three types of Nazis: "The REAL Nazis", "The Wannabees" & "Ops, sorry PewDiePie, though you were a Nazi.", it's pretty hard to find the right Nazi to punch on.
Those who feel the needs to punch Nazies, I understand how you feel. after what happen with World War 2, We can understand why we need to Punch Nazis in the first place. as long as you know which person WHO IS A NEO-NAZI, I don't really care on how you do it. but people need to remember that there's is going to be consequences and those people (who wants you to Punch Nazi) need to remember that.
as usual, there's always going to be quotes of "Violence is Never the Answer", it can be true, Punching a Nazi (or worst, killing a Neo-Nazi) might just complicate thing even further down in the word: Imagine this, what if those Neo-Nazi decided that it's not enough and goes ahead and punch those same people (which sucker punched that neo-nazi) and if this type of consequence spreads, then we might result into Shades of Conflict or worst: An American Civil War 2.
Quick Ninja-Edit: shit, I almost forgot about this, Do you know the basic of Butterfly Effect? I think I'm just going to put a video embed instead of me explaining it to you.
worst case scenario: accidentally punching a Regular Person whose accused of being a Anti-Semite.
Remember that PewDiePie & Wall Street Journal Incident? I'd let Philip DeFranco explain that himself:
Now imagine this: what if a certain person STILL believe that PewDiePie is a Anti-Semetic person and saw PewDiePie, but that person was influence by the people who want you to start punching Nazis? Does he A) Punch him in the face or B) ignore him?
why this analogy? there's been a trend of people trying to call that person a "Nazi" for just having a opinion. "You didn't watch Ghostbusters 2016? you're sexist manpig!" that's just one of many example of dumb reason why people can be falsely accused. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be called a "Nazi" after certain person reads this opinion article and takes it out of context. or worst get blocked by someone that I barely even interact before.
anyway, If you like to teach those REAL, IMPOSING NAZIS a lesson, Here's my preferred alternative methods on how to punch a Nazi:
1) The Classic "Hey, what you're doing isn't good, you need to educate yourself" method.
3) Ignore them and let Karma do the work
...That's pretty much it.
Extra: Quick Talk about "White is Bad, Black is Good", but turn into shilling.

Should I really need to get into this?
So, Instead of talking about this, I'm going to start shilling on someone called Nicky Case, you probably heard that name from that little flash game from the world of Newgrounds called :the game: created this masterpiece that is bound to be relevant up to this day.
Forget talking about this talking bullshit, just go ahead and play it. just click the picture above.
Quick Edit: August 17th, 2017
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a blunt message for Nazis. I think you should watch it. I agree with everyone he said in that video.