I was suppose to finalize the Process of Custom Stickers Collection Version 20, but instead I have to talk about the whole H3H3Production controversy and Fanbase Uproar.
Let me give a short summery: ITS YA BASEBALL BAT BOI ETHAN KLEIN, was doing research on The Wall Street Journal about YouTube Demonizing Issue, but turns out that the screenshot might be fake. after the Video is uploaded, Some people found out that the evidence isn't good.
and so, Ethan Klein did a "I may fucked up, but I still doubt it!" stunt, and the fanbases are furious.
It's obvious that Ethan did made a fuckup, but for me, It's a Small fuckup, not as big as Sean Murray. but goddamn, looking at the /r/H3H3Produciton reddit page right now, as of this writing, it has become /r/JonTron 2.0
why am I making a Blog Post about this than making CSC Version 20? It's due to the following two OPs.
Start taking responsibility Ethan.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Ethan.
Now, before we begin: I want everyone to go to my last blog post about Let's talk about Younger Audience, YouTube Restricted Mode and Fanbases. Please go to the "Fanbase" segment, I already talked about how I felt about being a potential E-Celebrity and Influential Responsibility, Despite my previous blog is poorly written.
and since I'm a idiotic shell, I'm going to link a good video about the Analysis on YouTube's Demonetization Drama by appabend, it might question a lot of the Mainstream Media's questions...if one of the YouTubers find the video incorrect.
I want to start with the first OP - Start taking responsibility Ethan.
taking Responsibility is pretty damn hard if you're a big famous person, you can easily make one little mistake and it can cause big consequences, even if you correct your mistakes, the damage is done. It's a equivalent of releasing your big game and turns out the game is very, very glitchy, and you tried to fix it but you lost your audience's trust in the process.
Speaking of accuses, its also pretty damn hard to make a good claim, but its very easy to fake one. I've seen similar stories about other people pulling that stunt about a Fake Rape report and it can neither backfire or successfully, Ethan using the screenshot as one of many evidences but its false at all, despite the screenshot looks a bit fake due to lack of a "Skip Button" Text.
I just mention Skip Button, here's a thing, ever since Ethan released a Part two of his investigation, I just realized that screenshot is missing a Skip Button text, usually, when a Ad appear and plays for a few seconds, it usually display a "Skip Button" as a Text, not the Thumbnail.
but here's a problem, during my discussion with various peeps from Reddit, some have pointed out about the Unskippable Ads, and Yes, I understand that, but I haven't spot a Unskippable Ad for a long time, so yeah, I cannot go ahead and say "I HAZ PROOF!!!" until I can get proper evident.
I can move on with "Ethan should apologize to WSJ!" are you ok that Ethan apologizing a guy who happened to work with the same organization who almost destroyed PewDiePie? I would go ahead and read Nicas's article, but since WSJ wants me to subscribe or create a account, I'll wont read it.
last one, the entire fanbase seem to be defending WSJ, Mainstream Media and SJWs lately. It's just soo damn weird that this whole thing has turn into a warzone. MundaneMatt probably summarize a portion of the fanabse stuff in the nutshell:
I want to start with the send and last OP - Hypocrisy, thy name is Ethan.
There is some things I agreed and disagreed with that Post. but I have a huge issue with that part:

It's a short summery of the entire OP, but it's enough to get me...hurt.
As an Content Creator who makes shitty videos just for fun, I don't believe that I'm a Hypocritical piece of shit, but I do make mistakes in the past. I remember the time when I was too damn arrogant and naive back in PlayStation Home times and someone had to call me out on it, it cause me to have a mental breakout that I created an entire "fanficiton" out of my frustrations, since then I have to drastically change myself a lot since then, I might be naive back then, but I grown up a lot.
I'd like to say that I'm an ex-PlayStation Home member, now a regular user who dreams big, but everytime I see something like this, I get worried on my future when I'm going to have a fanbase. Making hard choices like "Backup your friend, alienate your fanbase / Backstab your friend to save your fanbase", not talking about Politics and extremely careful with the words I'm going to use and more. It really does scares me, especially with the Black Mirror Season 3 Episode "Hatred in the Nation". the best that I can do that I can take some notes from Yoko Taro.
I can understand that there's certain Content Creators that have pulled a lot of shitty stuffs, but what I don't understand that a person is judging a Billions of YouTube accounts as an Hypocritical Pieces of shit because of one YouTube committing a mistake, just disappoints me.
I might be a Hypocritical Piece of Shit, but at least I have moral standards.