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Let's "Quick" Talk about PewDiePie/Campo Santo DMCA Controversy.

Writer: Al. LopezAl. Lopez

Updated: May 7, 2019

After reading various people's opinion, I can safely say that PewDiePie made a /r/LivestreamFail/ moment.

so, what he'd do this time? simply put...Heated Moment, PewDiepie said one of the most offensively sin of the entirely of the Human Race:

Yep, this is pretty much what PewDiePie said during a very heated and intense moment of a game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

So, all I could really said that I can agree that PewDiePie should be held accountable for a mistake that he'd made. although that insult its pretty tame in comparison with some of the worst insults you can hear in your lifetime.

but using a DMCA Takedown on his videos because he use the "Nigger" word, is where this has been blown out of proportion.

as you probably guess, It feels like a DMCA Abuse. if you wanna know what's a DMCA, I suggests using that Search Bar of yours and do some research about that topic.

If you want more information about this, I'd suggest checking Leonard French and Ryan Morrison about this topic.

anyway, seem like Buzzfeed (ugh) News got in contact with Sean Vanaman, Creator of Firewatch about regretting to use DMCA Takedowns, beyond that might spark fears..

Source: Buzzfeed News (Archived link)

So, let's just say you're 'Bucky' who regularly makes YouTube videos (mostly about gaming) but also makes offensive stuffs like "FUCK!" before. So, apparently you heard the a game called "Firewatch", 'Bucky' did some research, and he decided to do a livestream, he definitely enjoy the game, despite a lackluster ending. an year later, apparently, you said some extremely stupid shit that you didn't mean in a livestream, after the events of "stupid shit", one of the Developers decided to make a DMCA Takedown notice because said developer doesn't want to associate you, even though you didn't do anything very wrong.

now imagine that scenario with EWNetwork, Imagine that. Imagine how much of a shitstorm it could be. It'd might not just affect PewDiePIe, It'd potentially affect YouTubers/Streams and Game Publishers/Developers in the near future.

Now, if you previously made videos about Firewatch and you had said something Controversial, even at the most mundane thing possible, you'd be in a risk of a Potential Takedown. if I were you, I think you should start taking some recuperation.

In TL;DR, "We're ok on letting you stream/record our game, we're also ok on letting you monetized it, BUT DON'T YOU FUCKING TRY TO DO ANYTHING CONTROVERSIAL, WE DMCA THE FUCK OUT OF YOU!".

As for Campo Santo & Sean Vanaman, your actions told me you don't like it when other YouTubers/Streamers uses Offensive Languages (yes, "Nigger" is also apart of the list) if they covered your Video Game, Before, During and Aftermath. you also encouraging/Influencing other GameDevs to start making DMCAs on someone just because of a Offensive term. what you did will alienate your Fanbase in a long-term.

for that reason alone, I'll won't support Campo Santo and Sean Vanaman's current and future Games, Movies, TV Show, and Comics/Mangas. Sorry Man, I don't support nor condone those types of people whose willing to have full control of their Consumers. as an Consumer myself, I'm just cautiously scared of this.

oh, as for that whole "PewDiePie said the N-Word Controversy" part? here's a image drawn by glalitites which describe the whole thing in a nutshell:


UPDATE: 9/16/2017: Was a bit late on this, but PewDiePie finally made a video addressing the whole DMCA Takedown Notices.


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