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DDoS Attack, Even more Web App updates - Website Update, October 22th 2016

Writer: Al. LopezAl. Lopez

Updated: May 7, 2019

So, Yesterday just happened...

looks like the DDoSs got the internet good this time. it looks like those "hackers" went after Dyn DNS Company, which means that alot of popular websites (including Wix and The AL2009man Website) has been temporary taken down for a couple of hours.

If you like to know the full, complete story of what's going on, please read Dyn's Statement on the incident:

now, let's get out of the way and start with an smaller update patch note:


Website Patch Note:

For this update: I've been trying to add the remaining WebApp functionalities, specifically on Microsoft Edge (or newer version of Internet Explorer, if you actually use it), apparently, I've hit with an wall of bugs I though it was until I got an respond from Wix Support, even thou most of those responses didn't answer my problem, it did gave me more detail on improving certain SEO stuffs, however while I was lurking around with Advance SEO Help, I found out a problem that also caused another problem:

2,000 Character Limit.

even if you can put a lot of meta-tags, it does not give you a warning sign, it just resets to your last saved meta code once you leave the SEO Settings Section. . In order to solve this problem, I'd had to remove most of the Icon Sizes and replaced the links from Wix Images to Imgur in order to save signification space to add more meta-tags.

I find this a bit disappointing to me, but it is what it is.


- SEO Improvements: Added HTML <H[Number 1-6]> tags, each Page's SEO has been updated/added

- (DESKTOP AND MOBILE) Decreased the size/space of Header & Footer design.

- Web App Icon updated: Windows Pinned Images added (Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 10+)


- Changed the Design of the Header and Menu Button, should be closer to an App Bar.

- Resized Videos and Images for all pages (there is some exceptions)

UPDATE: 10/25/2016

Based on an Article by Maximiliano Firtman, Pages that requires to go back to its previous section will now include the "Back" Button, this should solved issue iOS users are facing. This may also applied to future pages that requires it.


New Page:


I added a new page that should tell you that you can Add (or pin) "The AL2009man Website" alongside downloading an Chrome App, you can click here to view the webpage.

and please, if you're using the Chrome App to upload it over to Chrome Web Store (or Altenative), at least give me some credit. ("AL2009man/Al. Lopez")


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