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The COVID-19 and How it would affect my Projects

Writer: Al. LopezAl. Lopez

So, the Coronavirus is a thing, and it's a pandemic right now, and I happen to live a few hours away from the confirm cases...

I have two projects that I'm working on and will be making changes to those two projects due to Coronavirus:

  • "AL2009man Bad Voice Acting Reel" is put on hold

  • "My Immortal but written by Talk to Transformer AI" will be delayed, as it was originally a April Fool 2020 project and my return into April Fools.


Why I'm putting "AL2009man Bad Voice Acting Reel" project on hold:

I initially stared the project around January/February 2020 and figuring out how am I going to approach this, and I voiced some of the lines earlier as a test if I can do it (while writing a couple of lines in advance. I also asked one of my friend (who was previously involved with my Custom Stickers Collection Promo trailer) to join-in as a guest.

The Project didn't truly start until Late February/Early March where I started seriously working on the project, as I already recorded 75% of the voice lines, while the remaining 25% has yet to be recorded. (I haven't worked on the final clip yet) the video is currently %5 done since I need to finish recording all the dialogues, without it, I can't fully proceed with it.

(not to mention, I have to figure out how to remove background music, which makes the process harder for me)

not to mention, I can't really record my voice dialogues right now since I happen to live with two family members and I only record and livestream while both are away, so I can avoid dealing with noise complaint.

And then Coronavirus came by...

And, it's my fault for not recording all the stuffs very early on, if I managed to finish writing the script and the voice dialogues, I probably would have finished it by this month and have it released in March 16th (or 24th).

So, for now, for the time being, I'm putting this project on Hold until further notice.


Why am I delaying "My Immortal but written by Talk to Transformer AI"?

"Didn't you livestream that back in October 2019?"

Yes, and I wanna do a adaption of it, because the result was hilarious and I wanna share it to everyone. I was working on the project alongside my Bad Voice Acting Reel. Unlike the later, this one won't be on video form, as it is planned to be released on Fanfiction(dot)net on April Fools Day 2020 (making it my return into fooling people). This one is a bit easier to work on since I have to rewrite plenty of stuffs due to AI spazzing out at times, despite not being well experience into Harry Potter lore (although, I did watched the movies a long time ago), I was planning to do a video promo released on the same day to inform my audience that you can read it on Fanfiction(dot)net.

But with the whole coronavirus shit going on right now, I don't think this is the best time to celebrate April Fools Day 2020, so I made the decision to delay.

While it unfortunate, it will be released at a later date.


with all of this, one of the planned special livestreams will have to be put on hold as well.

But not all news are bad. I'm working on a potential video idea and see whenever or not I will start production on the video after finishing the project. Hopefully, when everything goes back to normal, I can resume working on a project.

For now, please be safe, everyone.


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