Video also available on
All of this started with an 'Import HD Photos Glitch" originally started by mandogy and Landsurfer2000
after I saw a video on how to do it, I decided to experiment the 'glitch' by recreating those Icons using references from the HD Photo Glitch. it makes it easier for me to match them precisely. my result was recreating the PlayStation Icon.

Very Early recreation of the PlayStation Icon
A few months later, I'd had a idea to even recreate the even more PlayStation logos & the new Sumo Digital Logo, and then, giving it away as Stickers. I first started it with PS4 Logo, then with Sumo Digital and lastly, the rest of the logos. if one of you have been keeping up with my Twitter profile, this was my final result for the current Sumo Digital logo:
after that, I tweaked the fonts and I declare it finished, moved on to "PlayStation" Letters. as you would expect, recreating Letter Font is the hardest part of recreating Logos. during the process, I also tweaked the PlayStation Icons as well.
in the end, I spend 6-8 hours in total. I was proud of myself.

Final Batches of Stickers for PlayStation and Sumo Digital
I started preparing the stickers by using the Transparent Stickers Glitch, setting up the level and publish it in April 1st, 2016 as a soft-launch.
few days later, I notices a fatal mistake while using the glitch, I left some small pixels on one of the stickers leading to small dose of transparent pixels, a week later, I re-ported over 89% of the initial batches of the stickers and republished it as Version 1.03 and as a full launch on April 6th, 2016. thus, it's open for business.
Unlike other Sticker giveaways, utilizing the HD Stickers Import, I can try my best to accurately create the logo as close as the original as possible. however due to the limits of LittleBigPlanet 3's #PS4Share features (specifically, lack of PNG format and/or PS4 Pro Support) I may make mistakes in the process, but I can overcome them.
Here's an comparison shot of the recreating of my own logo, between the Original at 4K while the LBP3 Recreation is at 1080p but Slightly Cropped. both picture are cropped to fit together.

2160p - Cropped

LBP3 Recreation
1080p - Slighty Cropped
During the making of the Stickers, I'd Livestream the entire process, after the completion of the sticker, I start by taking the VODs, download the file and start editing the video.
you can watch one of my Timelapse videos to get an idea on the stickers I recreate:
[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - AL2009man Logo Timelapse
![[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - AL2009man Logo Timelapse](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/87GNJ_Fojo4/maxresdefault.jpg)
![[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - AL2009man Logo Timelapse](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/87GNJ_Fojo4/mqdefault.jpg 1x, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/87GNJ_Fojo4/maxresdefault.jpg 3x)
[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - AL2009man Logo Timelapse
![[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - Gravity Rush Timelapse](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RczO1F7qxy8/mqdefault.jpg 1x, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RczO1F7qxy8/maxresdefault.jpg 3x)
[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - Gravity Rush Timelapse
![[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - Naughty Dogs Timelapse](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vRpCRqts2PE/mqdefault.jpg 1x, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vRpCRqts2PE/maxresdefault.jpg 3x)
[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - Naughty Dogs Timelapse
![[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - DRIVECLUB Timelapse](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XeiyReG6Srw/mqdefault.jpg 1x, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XeiyReG6Srw/maxresdefault.jpg 3x)
[LBP] Custom Stickers Collection - DRIVECLUB Timelapse
Prefer watching it from Alternative Video Sites other than YouTube? you can watch them from:
Sticker Batches
The list of Sticker Batches that is currently available in the Collection
The Essentials

Custom Stickers Collection
Dynamic Movie Camera
AL2009man: 2 Colors and Badge
Custom Stickers Collection: Icon and Promo Pictures
Dynamic Movie Camera: Icon and Promo Pictures

PlayStation Icon
PS4 Logo
PS3 Logo
Text Only
Variation: Alternatives, 4 Colors (Classic Icon included)
Sumo Digital (2015-present)

Sumo Digital Logo/Icon
Variation: Alternatives, 3 Colors
PlayStation Home

PlayStation Home Icon
Unfinished, More to come
Variation: 3 Colors

LBPHotspot Logos
LBPHotspot Icon
LBPHotspot Borderless Logos and Icons
LBPHotspot Badges
Text Only
Variation: Alternatives

Variation: Alternatives, 3 Colors
Rocket League

Rocket League Logo
Rocket League Icon
Variation: Alternatives
Naughty Dogs

Naughty Dogs Logo
Naughty Paws
Variation: 2 Colors
Hello Games Collection - Community "DLC"

Hello Games: Current and Classic Logos and Text Only
No Man's Sky: Logo, Icon and Text Only
Joe Danger: Logos
Hello Games: 4 Colors
No Man's Sky: 2 Colors
Joe Danger: Alternatives
Gravity Rush/Daze

Western (Rush) Logos
Eastern Asian (Daze) Logos
Variation: 2 Colors
More Stickers to arrive at a Bi-Weekly/Monthly Basis
(Update: As of November 17th, 2022: this project has been cancelled.)
“LittleBigPlanet”, “Sackboy” and “Sackgirl” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment. All rights reserved.
All non-original recreational stickers are trademark/owned by their respective company/developers. those Stickers are purely made in support of said product.
The AL2009man Website, LittleBigPlanet Central, LittleBigPlanetarium, LittleBigNetwork, Sackinima, LittleBigForum and LBP Hotspot is not affiliated with Sony/PlayStation & Publisher/Developers